Level 1 (5 Yrs+)
This is the first Beginner level of our Learn to Swim Pathway. Classes are limited to six Swimmers to one Teacher and last for 30 Minutes.
Minimum competency required for entry into this Level;
No previous swimming ability is required.
Level 2 (5 Yrs+)
This is the second Beginner level of our Learn to Swim Pathway. Classes are limited to six Swimmers to one Teacher and last for 30 Minutes.
Minimum competency required for entry into this Level;
Demonstrate floatation on front without a buoyancy aid,
Demonstrate floatation on back without a buoyancy aid,
Demonstrate a push and glide,
Understand Common Poolside Safety Rules,
Kick on front with a float for 10 metres,
Kick on back with a float for 10 metres,
Swim a minimum of 5 metres consistently demonstrating Frontcrawl,
Swim a minimum of 5 metres consistently demonstrating Backcrawl &
Show rotation from floating position front to back and back to front with a buoyancy aid.
Level 3 (5 Yrs+)
This is the first Improver level of our Learn to Swim Pathway. Classes are limited to six Swimmers to one Teacher and last for 30 Minutes.
Minimum competency required for entry into this Level;
Demonstrate a mushroom float,
Kick on front without a float for 10 metres,
Kick on back without a float for 10 metres,
Demonstrate Breaststroke leg kick,
Swim a minimum of 10 metres consistently demonstrating Frontcrawl,
Swim a minimum of 10 metres consistently demonstrating Backcrawl,
Show rotation from floating position front to back and back to front without a buoyancy aid,
Demonstrate a sculling action &
Demonstrate repetitive bobbing for 30 seconds.
Level 4 (5 Yrs+)
This is the second Improver level of our Learn to Swim Pathway. Classes are limited to six Swimmers to one Teacher and last for 30 Minutes.
Minimum competency required for entry into this Level;
Demonstrate a push and glide with leg kick for 5 metres holding streamline position,
Scull for 5 metres head first on back supported,
Kick on front for a minimum 15 metres,
Kick on back for a minimum 15 metres,
Swim Frontcrawl with regular breathing for a minimum 15 metres,
Swim Backcrawl consistently for a minimum 15 metres,
Demonstrate Breaststroke leg kick for a minimum 15 metres,
Scull for 10 metres head first on back supported &
Head first surface dive to collect object on bottom of pool (minimum depth 1.2metres).
Level 5 (7 Yrs+)
This is the first Advanced level of our Learn to Swim Pathway. Classes are limited to eight Swimmers to one Teacher and last for 30 Minutes.
Minimum competency required for entry into this Level;
Travel on front and perform a somersault finishing in a streamlined position,
Swim 25 metres Frontcrawl consistently maintaining correct technique,
Swim 25 metres Backcrawl consistently maintaining correct technique,
Demonstrate Breaststroke with simultaneous leg and simultaneous arm action,
Demonstrate basic Butterfly technique,
Travel 5 metres with an undulating body action,
Tread water for 30 seconds waving one hand above the head to attract attention,
Triple S standard – completing the award,
Enter and exit the pool without using the steps &
Scull for 10 metres.
Club Ready (7 Yrs+)
This is the second Advanced level of our Learn to Swim Pathway. Classes are limited to eight Swimmers to one Teacher and last for 30 Minutes.
Minimum competency required for entry into this Level;
Swim minimum 50 metres of Frontcrawl demonstrating push and glide, competent technique with bi-lateral breathing, high elbow and reach and pull,
Swim minimum 50 metres of Backcrawl demonstrating push and glide, good technique, steady head position with rolling of the shoulders round the long axis,
Swim minimum 50 metres of Breaststroke demonstrating push and glide, good technique,
Swim minimum 15 metres of Butterfly demonstrating push and glide, competent technique and basic undulation,
Perform a dive with transition to any stroke &
Perform a straddle jump and tread water for 45 seconds.
Ducklings (3-4 Yrs)
This is our Pre-School Learn to Swim Pathway. Classes are limited to six Swimmers to one Teacher and last for 30 Minutes.
Minimum competency required for entry into this Level;
No previous swimming ability is required.
Private 121 Swimming Lesson (5 Yrs+)
Private Swimming Lessons Are Tailored To Each Swimmer’s Individual Needs.
Private 122 Swimming Lesson (5 Yrs+)
Private Swimming Lessons Are Tailored To Each Swimmer’s Individual Needs.
Older Beginners (8 Yrs+)
Suitable For Children Older Than 8 With Little Or No Prior Swimming Ability.
Private 121 Swimming Lesson (5 Yrs+) - Deep Water
Private Swimming Lessons Are Tailored To Each Swimmer’s Individual Needs.